Saturday, March 22, 2008

Big Mountain

Big Lines, Good Pow; Big Mountain
Southern Wind River Range, Shoshone NF
March 22nd, 2008

Big Mountain

I decided today was good day to make a run up Big Mountain. Anyway you you shake it, it ends up being about a 5 mile, 4000 foot grunt. Today the snow was great. Maybe the best I've ever ridden on Big Mountain.

My route up.
(Click to enlarge)

My first turns for the day- a test run.

Like butter, and stable. Time to grab the big stuff.

My first glimpse of the summit, still a ways off.

Slimed in sunblock, humping my way up Big Mountain; Christian Lake in the background.

Getting closer.

Near the summit.

A look back down at my climb up. Long.
(Click on photo to enlarge and see tracks)

On the top of Big Mountain.

Rock on!

Hard to say, but I'd guess this is at least my 8th or 10th time up here. Love it every time.

A view up the Winds towards Atlantic Peak and Temple Peak (just barely visible).

Looking down on Christina Lake. Ready to ride.

My turns down the summit. Actually, it was pretty good snow for up there.

Another look from a better angle.

My voice is still hoarse from this line. I'm sure the ice fishermen down on the lake were entertained.

Another view from a different angle (click to enlarge).

The board.

Yet another view of huge line- 2000 feet worth.

Can't get enough.

One look back at the summit.

Preparing for the ride home.

More good turns all the way back.

This was a pretty cool run. Potential for quite a kicker off the cornice to the lookers right. Real steep landing. Have to remember this one. Ha!

Good stuff!

A better look at previous run. See the launch?

Big Mountain

One last look back at Big Mountain, over the Skidoo.

I arrived home to Tally making Easter eggs with her cousin.

Chucked it right in there! Ha! Missed her when she was gone this week. Good to have the monkey back!


Blogger blackliner said...

Yo Shad! Pat Moore here! Love the site and it looks like you and Mandy are doing well! Drop me a line at! Would really enjoy catching up.

9:28 PM  

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