Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Riding the Notch

Riding the Notch
Southern Wind River Mountains
February 17th, 2008

A look up at "The Notch"

Tara breaks trail.

Going up...

and up!

Another look at "The Notch" as we got a bit closer. The weather was pretty weird. Not much wind, but it kept going back a forth between white out flurries and blue sky.

Tara maintains a steady pace.

Nearing the final up.

Too steep for snow shoes.

Tara makes her way up the actual notch.

Almost there!

Time to ride it.

Weehoo! Nice and steep.

Out of the Notch and off to the races!

Tara shreds some good pow!

The powder was much better (like it always is) a little further down the mountain.

Figure eights.

Fast and fun!

Tara goes big...

and launches!

Tara rides with Christina Lake below.

After one top to bottom whole mountain run, we did several more runs just on the good powder.

Tara series #1:

Tara turns on Shad tracks.

Last huck of the day:

A look back at the whole mountain. Sure was nice to be able to drive up the base of it.

A final look back into the sunset from across Christina Lake.

This pretty much sums up the day better than anything...

Ride the Winds!


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