Sunday, March 09, 2008

March Madness in the Winds: Day 2

Runnin' the Nose
Southern Wind River Mountains
March 10th, 2008

The Nose
(Chuck named it)

Looking back on Christina Lake and the Mountain we skied the previous day.

A view from the top of the nose.

Dino makes his way up to the top of the Nose.

Then skis down it.


Good stuff!

Have a look!

Dino aims.

Dino earns his Big Air Merit Badge

Sticks it!

Chucks get clearance for take off.


After that run, Chuck couldn't get to top again fast enough.

Karla skis some fine March Pow.


Dino throws in some tele turns.

What a day! Absolutely gorgeous. Climbing in shirt sleeves and blowin' down through pow.


Weeehoo! Talk about a kicker!

Couldn't quite stick that one. Close though.

I tried another.


Stuck it!

Dino's turn

Going for style points!

Perfect landing.


Looking back on another stellar day in the Winds.

(Click on the photo to see some of our tracks down the Nose)

Tally made some tracks with me last weekend.


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