Monday, January 21, 2008

West Angle Madness

West Angle Madness!
Togwotee Pass, Absaroka Range
January 21, 2008

A look at the Tetons from on top of West Angle Mountain.

A look across the Buffalo Fork Drainage from the top of West Angle Mountain.

Matt solar charging.

Kerry and Matt look for lines.

Looking down the ridge at Matt and Kerry, from where I unskinned. Cornice hucking terrain was plentiful!

Matt jumps for joy!


Right on!

Kerry drops in for a run.

The hooded shreader tears it up!

What a way to start the day!

Good stuff!

Kerry goes for another run.

Mmmm, mmm good!

I had to try a few jumps for joy too.


Thank you Mr. King!

A Sasquatch sighting!

Matt climbs up for another.

Matt skis...

Kerry skis...

Looking back up at another great run.

One last look into the Buffalo Fork, before heading for the barn.

Kerry skis some more...

As does Matt...

Kerry skis for her life as a fierce, white wolf makes a run for her...

Well, maybe not that fierce.

The temperature never got much warmer that this all day. Other than that, it was an absolutely stellar day.

A bonus video- "Director's cut" you might say:

Sorry Matt, couldn't resist...

Tally loved it!


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