Monday, May 25, 2009


Riding the Gardner Wall
Beartooth Mountains in Wyoming
May 25th, 2009

The Gardner Lake head wall.

While visiting good friends in Cody over Memorial Day weekend, I figured since I was in the neighborhood, I might as take a quick run over into the Beartooths for some classic spring skiing. I got up early Sunday and found myself up on the pass looking at the Gardner wall, just as the sun was starting to illuminate it.

Video Panoramic

Saddled up, ready to ride!

The routes I skied for the day (click to enlarge).
I did it all the old fashioned way- hiking. No help from vehicles this time.

A look down the ridge as I approached my first run.

Looking back up at my first few turns. The photo doesn't do them justice- that first rollover was way steep! Plus the snow was still a little cold.

A view from the bottom of my first run.

Looking back up towards the top of runs 2 and 3.

The hike back up (four times for me). Note how many people there are. It was pretty much a steady stream of folks all day- popular place.

Gardner Lake Couloir- time to try it on my board.

Board view at the top looking into the Gardner Lake Couloir.

Dropping in.

The view from about half way down the couloir.


Looking back up. The snow was prefect for big steep turns.

Wearin' the grin... in May! Gotta love it!

A final look back.


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