Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 Powder

2008 Powder
Togwotee Pass, South Side of Vianni's Hole, Absaroka Range
January 1st, 2008

Chuck makes his way up the skin track.

With all of the new snow, we were being extra cautious. We chose an area with lots of options. Still feeling aches and pains from leftover avi injuries the mountains gave us a few week ago- we weren't taking any chances. Plus, both Chuck and I both had new boards that we wanted to keep around for a while. Ha! We dug a snow pits and did some tests- a shear test, an extended column test, and an RB. We found a 2 to 3mm thick melt/freeze crust down about 50 cm. The pit was to the ground- just over a meter- south facing. 30 degree slope. The crust was a concern, in that not much but facets were under it. In all, the entire snow pack seemed pretty soft- nothing harder than 4F. Shear and ETC tests told another story though. It took a about 6 or 8 full arm swings to get any failure on the layer of concern- when it did fail, it was maybe a Q3 at best. Our RB was more interesting, but probably not valid, in that we didn't have room to make it 3m back. The way it was, we got an RB2. We change decided to change our route a bit, but proceed up and look for low angle decent options, or proceed over the ridge to the north side.

Karla breaks trail for a while.

Karla and Chuck near the ridge above Vianni's Hole, the Tetons in the background.

The only reasonable route up the ridge from where we were, meant traversing under this rock band on a wind loaded pillow. The slope below almost immediately flattened out, so it seemed consequences would be minimal if I snuck out on it, and it went.

Sure enough- "KAWOOMPFFF!" it collapsed. It didn't go though. You can see my tracks and the cracks on both sides of them that shot clear over and around the rock band- right where you'd think.

Chuck and Karla, observing from afar, not far enough they couldn't hear the woompf though. After this, we all decided to bail on the bigger stuff and go play on the shorter, less steep treed runs we climbed up on.

Chuck spots Karla as she slides towards a safer run.

Chuck goes for it! Really good pow!

On another run, Karla surfs in waist deep powder!

Karla Series:

Awesome ride!

Chuck's Turn:

Good stuff!

Chuck's training video.

I got some turns in too...

Apparently the photographer thought "Shad" was a fish, and decided the "aquarium setting" on my camera was the best way to catch a Shad swimming. Makes sense I guess. Ha!

My new Prior. Couldn't live without one.

A look back at some of our work (the squiggles in the trees).

Riding off in the sunset. A great day in the backcountry. The perfect way to begin a new year.


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