Sunday, November 25, 2007

Raiding the Pyramid

Raiding the Pyramid
West Side of Two Ocean Mt.
Shoshone, NF
November 24th, 2007

The west face (kinda northwest) of Two Ocean Mt.

After gobbling turkey and other prime grubs for two days in Casper, I was primed to get out- my fuel tank was topped. I decided to break in the snow machines on this trip, and since I was alone- I opted to venture into one of the more populated areas on Togwotee Pass again. Actually since most backcountry ski folks are limited to as far as their legs can carry them in a day- most of them stay away from this side of Two Ocean Mt. I do know few folks that have dropped couloirs on this face, usually top down though, from the north side- then climb back up, or go for a long skin back. While quite a few folks were clobbering the north face this day, not a soul was on the west side. Turned out to be a pretty fun day!

Couloir #1:

A look up my first couloir for the day.

Obviously it wasn't filled in all the way up- not sure if it does or not. It's pretty early yet, so I'm guessing it does. Either way, it was fun.

Looking down on my tracks about two-thirds of the way up.

At the top.

I did quite few quick tests and pole tests on the way up. No cracking or woomfing. The snow pack seemed pretty stable- there were slabs on top though. I tried alot of things to bring the slabs out- but they just didn't want to slide much. None the less, I took it pretty cautiously going up and skiing down through the steep narrow sections.

An awesome view of the Tetons from as far up as I could get.

Time to ski.

The snow was suprisingly good. Much more stable and softer than I thought it would be. It was really fun!

Awesome powder down lower. I even stuck a little huck, something I worked on a few times today. Ha!

Looking back on one of my lines out of the first couloir.

I skied a few runs on various aspects of this apron.

Mini Couloir #1:

I couldn't resist. I kept eyeing this short run on my climbs up the bigger ones. I suspected good powder. It had to be done. It was good!

Mini Couloir #2:

Another short, good looking shot I couldn't resist.

It was kind of neat at the top of this little run.

Here's a view looking kind of south threw the notch. Looks like a plethora exciting ski terrain- more to explore! It never ends!

Looking north through the notch.

Fun stuff!

Another look, from a different angle, on my way back up for more.

Couloir #2 (The Pyramid Couloir):

The Pyramid

I saved the best for last. At first I didn't think this couloir was quite ready. After couple of glimpes up it earlier in the day- I thought it was a bit boney. I'm sure it'll put on a few more pounds this winter, but it ended up being alright already- almost going to the top.

My first peeks up the coulior on my skin up earlier in the day. Looked kinda thin.

Later in the afternoon, on my way out, I gotta different view. This one looked tempting. I decided to go for it- only as far as the powder went though.

Once I got in it, it was hard to stop. The snow felt just like the other one (which was fun skiing). I kept going!

Looking down on my track. Before I knew it, I was nearly on top of Two Ocean Mt, via this couloir (I'm calling it the Pyramid Coulior- dunno what else to).

A view from the top.

View looking west and northwest from the top of the northwest face of Two Ocean Mt.

Looking down.

Tight and steep in a few places, but the snow was good- which made it easy.


What a run! And a stuck huck to wrap it up with! Good stuff!

Looking back on the lines for the day.

Awesome country!

In part made possible by my Skidoo! My new 1.5 inch track gets around soo, so much better than the old .8 inch one. Oh the places I'll go- and probably get stuck. Ha!

Back at home...

Sunday I stayed home, hung Christmas lights and helped Tally play in the snow. We made snowballs, snow angels and a little snowman. Notice the horn prints on the snow angel.

Who would guess that her favorite word is "Mine!" "Mine! Mine! Miiiiine!"

I'm glad she's mine.


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