Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breaking Trail into Jules Bowl

Jules Bowl Area
Absarokas, Shoshone NF
December 10th, 2006

The Grizzy Dick Couloir

Decided it was time to try a new area this Sunday, new for this year anyway. I didn't know how far we could get into the Jules Bowl area. The snow pack is pretty shallow. Turned out that we could break trail pretty far, because of that. We were able to get in as far as I have in most trips I've done in the area. Motoring into the bowl was not gonna happen though- bummer- can't wait for that. From where we were at, we decided to head for this couloir, to see what it might be like.

When we got to the base of the couloir, conditions were pretty bad. Very icey and hard slab pockets everywhere. I've done this couloir before , I don't need to do it in on ice. Scratch! I'll pass today.

After looking at the couloir, Chuck and Karla start the tromp around the mountain to find some better snow, Bonneville Pass in the background. The snow was pretty dry and rotted, where it wasn't slabby. Since it's not too deep, the avi conditions were okay- but whooeee, if we ever get dumped on... things could be dangerous.

Chuck traverses some upper slopes.

More traversing, Karla heading toward the Castle of Jules Bowl. At least we could skin again.

Chuck nears a ridgeline worth dropping, Jules Bowl in the background.

Shad drops!

Shad finds some good powder in the trees.

Chuck and Karla surf it up. Ride the pow!

Karla rides some more!

This slope was pretty good. Not exactly the turns I've scored the last two weekends, but still pretty good. Got to see some neat country at least, plus learn alot about the snow conditions. Need more snow!

Back at the machines, loaded up and ready to head out. The buttes in the background are where we had been skiing the previous two weekends. You can eve see the couloir we attempted last Sunday. I'm not sure if those slopes Any day int would have been any better. Maybe? Didn't matter though, we had fun wher we were. Any day in the backcountyr pretty much beats a day on the couch. Ha!


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