Sunday, November 19, 2006

Turns on Tog

Splitboard Turns on Togwotee Pass
(near Breccia)
November 18th, 2006

Decide to exercise the splitboard this time. Headed up the trail to Breccia to see if I could remember how to ride board. Seems like I remembered the up hill part well enough.

The weather started clearing when I got to the top of the slope I wanted to drop. I dug a pit, snow was good. Time to drop.

Powder was good!

My first line of the day. I was solo, so I kept to pretty low angle safe stuff. Though, this run is nearly 40 degrees up top.

Perched for my second run, a bit higher than my first. The weather just kept getting better.

Two lines down, time to try a different run.

Looking across at Sublette Mt (left), from above my third run. It looked like it might be a fun ridge line to run.

Down we go! Not too steep, but fun.

Last run of the day. Good stuff! Another great day on Togwotee!


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