Monday, November 06, 2006

2006 Hunting Highlights

Fall Hunting Highlights
Sept., Oct. and Nov., 2006

My favorite hunting picture of all; me and Tally with the goat I slayed back in September.

We went out for a Sunday up above South Pass on the Big Sandy side of the winds. Nifty country! Got to explore more of it the following weekend with my dad as he pursued his trophy Antelope. He never did catch it. Picky bugger.

More pics of my first antelope in several years. Used to get them by the dozen. Just not as tasty as Elk though, so we backed off for spell. It was fun to go again though.

The Dodge tries out a new hood ornament. "Goat" Power!

After Antelope season, it was deer chasing time. Mostly this year I saw alot of country looking for deer. It's always good to get out. I spent a day up by Sweetwater Canyon and the Mormon/ Oregon trail country looking for deer. There were lots of neat homesteads like this one up there. No hefty deer that I could find though.

I did manage to shake out a hefty bull moose though.

Sweetwater canyon is spectacular. Kind of an oasis on the prairie. It's tough to find, but it's worth the effort, and the hike. Cool stuff!

Some views looking down into Sweetwater Canyon. Very isolated country- you definitely have to work a bit to explore it.

While I was out deer hunting, Tally was home Lion hunting. She was more successful!

One weekend in between deer and antelope season Mandy, Tally and headed up to Beaver Creek below Wild Iris to play in the snow. I guess I was hunting Pine Grouse. Mostly it was an excuse to get out and see some beautiful country though. Nice to have this stuff in your back yard.

Mandy and Tallulah enjoy the view from above Wild Iris Climbing area, looking towards the Southern Winds. Tried a few other areas, but never did get deer this year. Oh well. It's not about killin' the critters as much as it is about just getting out and enjoying the country.

A few weekends later, a couple of mad after-school rushes into the backcountry behind Lander, and a blizzard later; I helped Barney track down and clobber a Southern Wind Elk.

I mostly just tried to keep up with Barney as he stomped through all sorts of thick and steep country up around Mexican Creek, a few miles above Lander. Cliffs, darkness, blizzards, mud- nothing keeps Barney from chasing Elk. I think one finally just got tired and surrenderd, sacrificed himself for the herd. Ha!

Not only did I learn alot about hunting the Mexican creek area, but after dragging this elk a few miles down to a road- I learned how to pack a whole elk on a four-wheeler. Kinda neat. Way cool when you can do this.

Barney's bugler back at the truck- ready for transport home. Wasn't hardly even lunch time yet. What a hunt!

Mandy turned 24 some time the next week. Old lady! Ha!

Tally suited up in a couple of outfits for Halloween. On the left, she models her kitty costume. On the right she models her fairy-wear.

The weekend before Halloween I headed to Bighorns to begin the quest for my elk. My dad got sick so I went solo. It was good to explore some new country. This is looking towards Meadowlark lake and the ski resort above it, from the road into East Tensleep Lake.

I actually did see a couple of elk on this trip, but they wouldn't hold still long enough for me to harvest them. Wiggly buggers. I was beginning to think it might be an elkless year. Yikes!

Even without Elk, it was pretty country- well worth tromping and motoring around in. I did decide to come home that week (was gonna take the whole week off). Since the hunting got cold on Sunday and I was solo, I figured I'd best go back to work and maybe give it one last stab the next weekend.

Turns out the "last stab" was worth it. With my dad's help, after a hard couple of days of hunting; the last day of the season, the ungulate gods decided to persuade a bull to wonder within firing range.

Dad poses with the Elk I asassinated.

The elk, myself and the canon. Dunno what happened- I'm usually a consistent arse shooter. This time though, after one shot, the Elk dropped head first and never wiggled. I thought maybe it just had a heart attack. Turns out, I aced it through the neck.

Loading this guy up on the quad, Barney style, took some major wrestling. After alot of colorful language and a quart of water later- we had him loaded. He was pretty healthy bodied elk- much bigger than Barney's. A little smaller than previous years freezer volunteer- but not by much. By the time you figured in my dad, the elk and myself- my quad had a 1000 pound load. Not sure it's rated for that, but it seemed to handle alright.

Back at the outfit, quad, elk and crew all loaded up and ready for the cruise home. Pretty slick when you can do it this way.

The end. Almost.

Once I got home Tally wanted a piece of the action. Gotta start em early!


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