Saturday, August 05, 2006

Stough Creek Lake Basin

Couloir Scouting in the Stough Creek Lake Basin

Southern Winds, Shoshone NF, Popo Agie Wilderness Area
July 24th/ 25th 2006

Dubois, the Llama, enjoying a break on Stough Creek Pass.

Looking up the canyons and drainages in the Stough Creek Lake Basin, from camp, that were going to explore.

Looking up a neat peak going towards an even niftier canyon. This peak had some serious vertical granite walls. Even better, it had a way cool couloir going up the back side of it.

The view of the back side of the peak. A definite must for my next spring skiing trip.

A view of a beautiful Lake and cirque way up towards the end of the canyon. Notice the face that sits in the crotch to the looker's left of the highest peak. This may be among the earyiest things I've seen in the back country.

A closer shot reveals that it lookes like a guy with a beard. Seems fitting. I think this country is definitely calling my name.

Stough Creek Lake Basin was loaded with crags and couloirs. One could spend a week up there and not get to all of them. Can't wait to see it with more snow.

Here's a couple of couloirs that were still good, above one of the dozens of lakes of there. Too bad I was on the clock. Oh well, can't complain too much about being on the clock in this country.

Looking down the Stough Creek Lake Drainage, after we got out of the Canyon with the face. We were camped near the bottom lake in this photo. Awesome country!

After a couple of days in the Stough Creek Drainage, we headed over the Wind River Peak country... I was hoping my dudes would be up for a summit attempt.


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