Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Attack of the Atomic Llamas: Day 2; The Mystery Meat Sandwich Couloir

Llama/ Ski Trip, Silas Canyon
Popo Agie Wilderness Area, Shoshone NF, Southern Windriver Mts.
July 2nd, 2006

Introducing the day's objective; the "Mystery Meat Sandwich Couloir"

Since my wife was along on this trip, I let her name this couloir. I'm not aware of any name for it, and I'm sure not aware of anyone that has ever skied it before. She thought since you couldn't really see the middle of this couloir until you were almost up in it, Mystery Meat Sandwich Couloir would be appropriate. Hhmmm. I guess.

Going solo again, only this time I brought the skinny boards and my crampons.

Approaching the Mystery Meat Sandwich couloir.

Finally I get up and around to the base and get my first view up the couloir. Because to the cirque this couloir drains into, it's literally impossible to look up it until you get to this point.
It looked much steeper and skinnier than I had hoped. It looked doable though.

A look down the couloir from the bottom third of it.

Looking up, the top starting to come into view.

Here's what it looked like from about 3/4ths of the way up the couloir, Upper Silas lake in the background on the right. I was just starting to get to the top point of the couloir that you could see from the bottom.

Whew! Finally, 2 hours later, I made it. Time to kick back and recover a bit. Island lake is below. Our camp was located in the island of trees surrounded by green in the lower right hand corner.

More views from the top. Island Lake and Upper Silas in the picture on the right.

Time to drop! Steep as bung! Glad to have my skis.

Looking down the "Mystery" part of the Mystery Meat Sandwich couloir. It's plenty steep and narrow. I was worried maybe that I might become the "meat" part of it. Yikes!

Down the mystery part a bit further. The snow was great. Hit it just right, I didn't get on it so early this time.

Finally approaching the end of the steep narrow stuff.

Nothing but classic corn squiggles now.

All done. I survived! First ski lines ever on the Mystery Meat Sandwich Couloir, mine to claim as far as I know.

One last look back at the Mystery Meat Sandwich Couloir, and the Wishbone to the looker's right.


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