Monday, April 09, 2007

Kantsaiware Mountain Huckfest

Kantsaiware Mountain Huckfest/ Corn Carnival
April 7th, 2007

A trail marker on Kantsaiware Mountain.

Last Saturday I visited the in-laws for Easter. Didn't figure on scoring too many turns, but it worked out that I got a great six mile, 2000 ft. tour of some local ski terrain. Turned out to be pretty fun.

Skinning up the mountain.

John and Dino pose with some of the locals. One of which just invited himself along- friendly enough feller, but he never did give us his name. I think he was a "he"?

Looking south towards the Shirley Mountains.

Looking North from on top fo Kantsaiware Mt.

Dino contimplates his first line.

Dino carves some turns on Kantsaiware.

John throws some snow around too!

Climbing up and out of one of the long deep canyons that we'd skied to a dead end.

Looking across a canyon we'd skied. The lines were short and spotty, but the snow was warming, turning into good corn and the terrain was pretty neat. Because of weather and an overwhelming urge to huck, we decided to bail on finding a good filled in line that ran the length of the mountain. Instead, we opted to head back to a nice little cornice-rimmed bowl we'd skied through earlier in the day. We thought it might fun to hang out there and practice our jumping.

John launches off a nice little cornice.

It seemed to entertain the locals.

I gave it a few whirls too.

Took me a few times, but I finally stuck one. After that, it was all good!!

I got my "hop" on. Just in time for Easter too. Ha!

After a few runs on that cornice we headed to some bigger ones. After a few more flings and hucks, we felt like going even bigger. Time to build a kicker (ski jump). It would be my first. Turned out to be great fun, and good practice.

The Kicker.

Dino was the first to try it out.

Dino on approach.

Dino gets kicked!

Telemarking Madness!!

The view looking up from underneath the kicker at Dino.

Whew! He cleared me.

And stuck a classy landing.

Great form!

John's turn.

I headed up for another. Took me a few tries before I really felt comfortable trying for big air.

Landing one of my tries.

After that, Dino decided to lay under the kicker, like I did for him- in an effort to get a cool picture me flying overhead. That seemed to be what I needed to motivate me. I really let it rip, and pushed off hard as I hit the kicker. I went crazy airborne! Ha! Got points for the most air and distance for sure- but couldn't stick them at all. I stuck my head once though. Ha! Great fun!

The best shot Dino got of me launching over him. The way I was landing, I could only muster a couple of jumps, and have enough left of me to make it home. Ha! Something I'll have to work on I guess.

A look back.

A little better look at our playground on Kantsaiware Mt.

Time for the 2 1/2 mile skin home.

Trail maitenance seemed fairly developed and well marked on this mountain, at least compared to alot of other places I go.

Evidence, I guess, that I really did get my "hop" on.

Runs in the family I guess. Tally got her "hop" on too, and had a great Easter!

Not sure about this one though- no relation to me. Maybe it's contagious! Ha!


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